Saturday 6 February 2010

Initial research

Our initial idea for our film opening was to create a horror movie.
The first piece of research we did was to look into popular horror films.
We then discussed as a group whether anyone had seen any of these films and whether there was anything specifically that people thought was effective in these films and why.
From this we then came up with a list of initial ideas for our film opening.
Our group has also been looking at 'how to's ' on Youtube to learn how to use the camera and how to work with lighting. the above is cheap lighting techniques the above is filming techniques, interesting angles and basic shots
the above are poker adverts, that have very interesting camera angles, that we would like to try and include some of in out film opeining.
As a group we all looked at the different effects we can use on iMovie and how they could work well in out film opening.

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